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Lions Dance @Milpitas | 11 am - Noon

  • Milpitas Ulferts Center 648-794 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA, 95035 United States (map)

This event is a tradition that Self-Help for the Elderly holds a few times a year. It is sponsored by Kung Fu Studios and lion dance troops annually. The sponsors perform traditional lion dances for the shops and businesses in Chinatown to bless them and bring them luck for the year. The dancing lions are then given envelopes with donations from the businesses in support of Self-Help for the Elderly.

The lion represents strength, power, and protection. It is a powerful figure that protects citizens from evil. It symbolizes strength, courage, balance, and wisdom. The lion dance tradition is a part of Chinese culture for events such as the Chinese New Year, grand openings, or special events. The Lion Dance Fundraiser is one of the events that Self-Help for the Elderly does to compass Chinese culture and traditions.

Self-Help for the Elderly welcomes your $88 donation. All contributions are tax deductible. 歡迎每位商戶捐助八十八元或以上善款支持《安老自助處》長者服務及計劃。Lion Dance Me (柔功門) 將於各歐化 中心為各大商號及在場嘉賓舞獅迎春,祈福接財神。歡迎蒞臨參與盛會,共襄善舉。

March 3

Lions Dance @Dublin | 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm